One Last Kiss Bye to Evangelion [Updated]
Hikaru Utada is back for one last song
If you have forgotten, the last Evangelion film is set to release in just over a month from now. That means we are starting to see the all out marketing blitz by Studio Khara. With that comes the news that Hikaru Utada will be coming back to perform the theme song for the film, “One Last Kiss.”
Its up for pre-purchase on Apple Music today for release in January. The single will release first on January 24th, and the EP will release three days later on January 27, 2021. This of course is just after the theatrical release of 3.0+1.0. Currently the soundtrack does not appear for pre-purchase or preview outside of Japan pending release. We’ll hopefully just have to wait for the final trailer to hear it.
If you are feeling nostalgic and want to listen to something now, here is “Beautiful World” from the original rebuild film –
Studio Khara has now released a teaser of “One Last Kiss.” Check it out below.
[Evangelion Official Site]
[Japanese Apple Music Store]