Are You Excited for the Live Action Netflix Cowboy Bebop?
I am starting to believe
I was skeptical of a live action Cowboy Bebop. That is until Netflix unveiled a new promo reel as a part of their Geeked Week event. Live action adaptations of anime are rarely for the best. Western versions are often some of the biggest flops out there. Let us not forget that Dragon Ball Z is in fact a live action film. My sincerest apologies for reminding you.
Netflix itself doesn’t have a great track record with live action adaptions of anime. The Death Note film isn’t regarded particularly favorably. This doesn’t mean that Cowboy Bebop is set to suffer the same fate. Check out the not-a-teaser promo reel below to see if they can sway you.
Appeasing the Fans
Until this promo I was uninterested and actively avoiding anything regarding the adaption. Now I think my mind has changed. Its the little things that help an adaption go a long way. Spike looks like Spike. John Cho looks to come correct as our favorite space-faring bounty hunter. Any less from the hair & makeup department and this adaption of Cowboy Bebop is dead in the water. A less than stellar soundtrack is like spitting in the face of fans. It doesn’t need to be perfect, it just has to be good.
This may not be much in the way of a teaser, but it succinctly hits all of the right beats. Now we know to expect the same expression of music as the original series. Yoko Kanno returning is a critical component to a great live action adaption of a series beloved not just for its characters, but almost equally for its music. Tank! is one of the most iconic anime OP of all time. The continued use of it in the promo reel is a good sign they know whats important.
One key thing to note is that the show is “Featuring Original Music By Yoko Kanno.” She is not just returning to put a new spin on the old classics. We are poised to potentially get a whole new soundtrack altogether. If that doesn’t get you excited about a new Cowboy Bebop than I don’t know what will.