If You Are Calling Genshin Impact a Clone, You Are Crazy
Its only game. Why you heff to be mad?
Many saw the Genshin Impact trailer for the PS4 a few months ago and freaked out. Now that the game is coming out for the Nintendo Switch, there are a lot of comparisons between it and one of the best games on the platform, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. If you haven’t seen the trailer just yet, take a look below.
Some people saw the original trailer and likened it to Breath of the Wild. It is an apt comparison. Genshin Impact is clearly pulling inspiration from the game in both art design and gameplay. It is inevitable that almost three years after the game came out it would finally spawn some look-a-likes. There is nothing wrong with taking lessons and certain ideas from great games. Games are built upon each other. Taking lessons and designs in fresh new directions.
If you are one of the people who see the trailer and get excited that something looks like BotW, be excited. If you are one of the people who sees it and doesn’t particularly care, that’s okay. We can’t all be hyped for every game coming out. If you are a person who sees the trailer and freaks out thinking it is a blatant rip-off, chill, relax, and calm down. It isn’t the end of the world for more Breath of the Wild. Genshin Impact isn’t going to impact the development of the next one.
There are a lot of crazy people out there, so don’t be one of them.
[Sources and Further Reading]
[PS4 Freakout – Screenrant]
[Image and Video via Youtube]
[Description quote by Ilya Bryzgalov]