Are You Ready to be a Pokémon Master With These Adidas Sportswear?
Gotta Wear’em All!
Adidas Japan recently released a small line of men’s and kid’s sportswear sporting the world’s favorite electric mouse. Your collection of Pokémon branded clothing can expand with these new kicks and t-shirts.
Once again the world of Pokémon branded clothing does rely on the nostalgia of generation one. The tennis sneakers sport not only just the most iconic of the monsters, but in their sprite form. Specifically in their box form and not from any in-battle sequences.
The best of the bunch is the full tracksuit, which appears to feature all of the original 151 from the shoulders down to the sleeves in sprite form. No word on if these will be available for regular purchase in the U.S. or abroad any time soon.

[Images via Adidas Japan Pokémon Collection]
[Found via Grapee.jp]