The Characters of The Case Study of Vanitas
Summer 2021 Anime Preview
Vanitas is a human in a world of vampires. He has inherited the Book of Vanitas for which he is named.
Noé Archiviste
Noé is a vampire who has traveled to Paris in pursuit of the secrets of the Book of Vanitas.
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Jeanne is a much feared vampire nicknamed, “The Hellfire Witch.” The fear comes from her previous life as an executioner.
Dominique de Sade
Dominique is an aristocrat among the vampire society, and a childhood friend of Noé.
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Luca is a younger vampire, second only to the Queen. She is served by Jeanne in his quest to acquire the Book of Vanitas to save his brother.
Shimoji Shino
The voice of Luca is being provided by Shimoji Shino.
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